Signature Graphics may use industry-related words and phrases that you haven’t heard of. Learn the various terms and acronyms used in the printing industry below, and get a quote when you’re ready.
Artwork: In printing, the artwork is the original copy which includes all text, graphics, photos and illustrations.
Binding: Binding is the process by which sheets are fastened together. This includes cutting, trimming, collating, perforating and folding to form the finished product.
Bleed: Bleed is the printing that goes beyond the edge of the final trim size to ensure there’s no white space on the edges.
Caliper: Caliper is the measurement of paper thickness expressed in thousandths of an inch.
Camera-ready Copy: The final, print-ready layout of graphics and text with all formatting in place.
Circular: Ad circulars are meant to “circulate” among target audiences and advertise sales, discounts and new products.
Coated Paper: Coated paper has a thin surface coating of clay that produces a smooth finish and seals the paper to limit the amount of ink absorbed.
Crop: Cropping is the act of removing or trimming away the sides or portions of an image to improve the focus.
Die Cutting: Die cutting is the process of using metal dies to cut paper in a shape or design.
Duotone: Duotone is a halftone image made up of two colors.
Four Color Process: The process of printing using the combination of four basic color inks (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) to produce a range of colors and create a color image.
Gang Printing: Gang printing is a more economical way of printing that uses multiple images on the same sheet using the maximum sheet size rather than individually printing off each separate image.
Ghosting: Ghosting is a printing defect where a faint unwanted image appears on a page. Signature Graphics uses the proper paper, ink, dry time and other printing factors to ensure this isn’t a problem.
Gloss: Gloss is the shiny coating applied to paper for a more premium, eye-catching appearance.
Graphic Design: Graphic design uses visual elements to express a message, often in combination with text.
Impression: An impression is an image created using the pressure of a printing press on paper.
Indicia: Postal information preprinted on a mailing envelope or a piece in place of a stamp.
Matte: Matte is paper with a dull, non-glossy finish.
Micrometer: A micrometer is a device used to measure the thickness (caliper) of paper.
Negative: A negative is film in which the white areas of the original image appear black and the black areas appear white.
Newsprint: A newsprint is a low-cost paper consisting mainly of wood pulp and is most commonly used to print newspapers, other publications and advertising material.
Offset Printing: Offset printing is a common printing process in which the image to be printed is transferred from a metal plate to a rubber blanket or roller and back onto paper.
Overrun: Production of larger quantities than ordered is referred to as overrun.
Page Count: The total number of pages in a book or publication is the page count.
Pantone Matching Systems (PMS): The standard color-matching system used by printers and graphic designers is the Pantone Matching System.
Paper Type: The paper or material to be printed on is the paper type.
Plate: A plate is a flat sheet of metal on which an image is reproduced using a printing press.
Process Colors: The process colors include the four basic colors used in printing to simulate full spectrum color – cyan (blue), magenta (process red), yellow (process yellow) and black (process black).
Resolution: Resolution refers to the number of pixels an image expressed in pixels per inch (PPI) or dots per inch (DPI); the higher the number, the sharper the image.
Saddle Stitch: The method of binding using staples in the seam or spine of a book or booklet where it folds is known as saddle stitch.
Shared Mail: Shared mail is a form of direct mail where clients band together to share postage costs and create more affordable, economical print marketing.
Side Stitch: A side stitch binds sheets by stapling them along one side.
Signature: A signature is a term for a printed sheet after it’s folded and finished.
Solo Direct Mail: Solo direct mail is more personalized mail sent to audiences matching particular demographics such as age, income, families with children, homeowners and businesses. We excel at creating this particular brand of marketing while Mailbox Merchants offers more of the shared capabilities.
Specifications: Specifications are the precise description of features of a print order such as paper type and quantity.
Spine: The back edge of a bound book or publication that connects the two covers is known as the spine.
Spoilage: Planned paper waste is referred to as spoilage.
Trim Size: Trim size is the final size of a printed image after trimming.
Typesetting: Typesetting is arranging or laying out artwork and text for printing.
Uncoated: Paper with no treatment or coating on the surface is known as uncoated.
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